Sunday 31 July 2011

Bond and beyond

Daniel Craig is a no-nonsense sort of guy. Currently co-starring in the sci-fi Western Cowboys & Aliens (pictured below) - apparently he was a late replacement for Robert Downey Jr - Craig's about to dive back into Bondage with no illusions about his future as cinema's favourite secret agent.

Aware that the last 007 Quantum of Solace proved something of a disappointment - "we had to cobble that one together because it was made in the midst of the writers' strike, and it has an effect on the finished product, no doubt" - Craig told the Sunday Telegraph: " Put it this way, if we mess it up, I won't be asked to do another. The contract goes both ways. I can walk away from it or they can sack me".

Craig, just married to Rachel Weisz, explained: "Success doesn't automatically confer you with impeccable taste. I still have to read scripts And think to myself, 'is this good or not?'"


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