Thursday 25 August 2011

Be careful what you encore

More on Harrison Ford’s worryingly deadpan sense of humour.  The man who was Han Solo and Indiana Jones – and currently is the exceedingly grumpy Colonel Dolarhyde in Cowboys & Aliens – responds to a question about the spoof film pitch in this YouTube clip.


It prompts the thought that he must, over the course of a movie career that dates back to 1966, have really been offered some sequels as ludicrously misconceived as Air Force One 2.

“What’s ludicrous about Air Force One 2?” he growls.  “I’m in negotiations right now. I happen to think it will work.”

The Ford visage breaks into a smile after a worrying few moments, as he reveals a winning sense of self deprecation.

“You know, I’m trying to think if there was ever a sequel pitch that I didn’t go for. I don’t think so... when we did the sequels of Indiana Jones, my ambition was that we take advantage of the audiences’ knowledge of the character and extend and complicate that knowledge.

“That led to bringing in Indiana’s father and finally bringing in the son he never knew... those kinds of things. I wasn’t the only one who was ambitious for that but it’s something I felt very strongly about.”

So it’s safe to say Air Force One 2 won’t be getting off the ground any time soon, in case you were wondering.


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