Wednesday 31 August 2011

Arrested Daryl vows to fight on

Daryl Hannah has vowed she won't give up her latest environmental campaign after she was arrested for protesting outside the White House in Washington and led away in handcuffs.

The Blade Runner star was released a couple of hours later after she paid a fine, but admits she will carry on with her campaign to stop a planned oil pipeline that will stretch from Canada to America's Gulf Coast.

She told Canada's CTV network: "There have been hundreds of people arrested over the last week and a half, and more to come in the next few days.

"I want to add my body and my voice to the thousands of others who are laying themselves on the line and saying, 'No, we do not want to be party to this incredibly destructive path.'

"We're becoming more dependent on fossil fuels and now we're becoming dependent on the most dirty of the fossil fuels."


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