Friday 8 June 2012

Countdown for Jeremy

There was a time when using the C-word in films was beyond the pale. Now there seems to be an official formula whereby the British Board of Film Classification will grant, for example, a 15 when c-words are required.

This has been revealed by actor-writer Simon Pegg who told the Guardian about a correspondence he and co-writer/director Edgar Wright have had with the BBFC about their new project, The World's End, their follow-up to Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz.

Pegg, currently in the new British horror-comedy, A Fantastic Fear of Everything (pictured below), said that the Board had, in response to their letter about how many times they could use the c-word without forfeiting a 15, explained "we could say it once, aggressively, towards a woman, but five times in casual conversation."

You wouldn't Jeremy Hunt it!


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