Thursday 14 February 2013

Blade Runner - The Sequel

Filmmakers have dithered for years about making a biopic of South African sporting hero Oscar Pistorius, the man who, twin-bladedly, helped make Paralympics fashionable.

What better film material than the inspiring story of a handsome chap who after becoming a double amputee (below the knee) at just 11 months went on to conquer the world of disabled athletics and also make a significant mark on the able-bodied variety, too.

The golds kept rolling in, including two at London 2012, even after he was beaten by a Brit in his shoo-in event, the 100 metres.

But still no movie, until ... What's the betting Hollywood is now, finally, lining up for the rights in the wake of the shocking news that the Rainbow Nation's 26-year-old white darling has been arrested and charged with the murder of his picture perfect model girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp (see below)?

It makes a cracking, darkly disturbing "third act" to what began as an inspirational tale of triumph-over-adversity. Even his first name is surely a presage of the rewards to come in Tinseltown.


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