Friday 9 September 2011

Back to the future

Can there be a busier filmmaker on the planet than Steven Spielberg? Spielberg, who will be 65 in December, has two new films awaiting release, another in pre-production and a fourth already scheduled to open on July 3, 2013.

We know about War Horse, his adaptation of the Michael Morpurgo novel, and The Adventures of Tintin, both of which are due for release soon.

His next assignment is Lincoln, an account of the great American President who led the States into the Civil War in the 1860s. The cast includes Daniel Day Lewis, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tommy Lee Jones and Sally Field.

And barely will he have had time to recover from the rigours of directing that period piece than he will be going back to the future for Robopocalypse, based on Daniel H Wilson sci-fi bestseller. Spielberg is, of course, no stranger to sci-fi having previously made films like AI, Minority Report, War of the Worlds, Close Encounters of the Third Kind and, of course, a little thing called ET.


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