Monday 12 September 2011

Tom Tom the fighting man

Tom Hardy is well'ard. Anyone who's seen him in Bronson (the notorious jailbird not the much loved vigilante from Death Wish) will appreciate that this is a heavily tattooed, much muscled  34-year-old British actor who you wouldn't want to meet one night down some dark alley.

Hardy, a recovering drunk and drug addict, currently to be seen in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and imminent as a mixed martial arts contestant in Warrior (pictured below) also has a way with words - although some might call it 'gibberish' - after reading an interview in the Guardian

Asked about the lure of watching two men slug it out in a cage, he replies: "Well, it's a normal human impulse. Let's watch Ricky Gervais and Danny Dyer in a ring with bottles. I would pay good money to see those guys carve each other up.

"If they didn't, I'd be trying to instigate it: 'Go on, fellas, let's turn the lights off, feel our way around this ring ..." And so on and so on.

On second thoughts, I'd pay good money to watch little laughterman Ricky tussle violently with tough luvvie Danny so perhaps yer' man Hardy isn't such a berk after all.


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